Sorry about the complete lack of podcast for the past two weeks! There were some editing hiccups, then I went on vacation and couldn’t fix the last show we did before Christmas, then we recorded a helluva lot of Game of the Year stuff.
To make up for the lack of IPP, here is what I will be giving you over the next week:
Episode 111, which recorded on the 16th of December.
(At least) SIX separate Top 10/Top 5 (for Evan) GOTY podcasts; one for each of us. Two may be a bit late because Scott and Tony still need to record theirs.
Almost FIVE HOURS of our Game of the Year deliberations, as inspired and produced by the one and only Nabeshin.
We will be streaming this week, as well as recording this coming Friday, which will be episode 113, hopefully releasing on the following Monday.
Plenty of personal issues (such as myself having to find a new place to live) and vacations and recording problems aside, I am sorry for the complete lack of content, but we should be back to reviewing, back to podcasting, and back to streaming more-regularly by the end of this month! Stay tuned!
The Irrational Overlord ~Alex