We’re back for 2014! Happy New Year everyone!
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We have a full cast and crew bringing in the new year! The team minus Greg this week. Scott comes in a bit late.
We talk about our holiday breaks, and intermittently throughout the show discuss the horrors of the Game of the Year Show.
We have TONS of video games to talk about. Alex discusses Fire Emblem, SteamWorld Dig, beating Spelunky, and more. Nabeshin discusses more Mass Effect. Scott played DmC, Tony played Rust, and Evan played Battlefield 4.
Tons of news happened this week. We discuss the Steam Machines, Playstation Now, and other assorted announcements such as Evolve.
Evan tells us about the few new releases we have.
We discuss some “most-looking forward to” games after we go through emails and voicemails.
That’s the show, Happy New Year and thank you for the support!
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Check out our website, http://IrrationalPassions.com.
Send us emails at Alex/Evan/Scott/Tony/Artist@IrrationalPassions.com or general mail to our mail sack: MailSack@irrationalpassions.com.
Follow us @ALFighter27 (Alex), @stickerglue (Evan), @wuttehchuz (Scott), @TonyHorvath (Tony), @Nabeshin186 (Nabeshin), @GregoryBlaney (Greg) and please follow the show @IrrationalPod.
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