- We have Mr. Joseph Fait, Aceshigh291 himself, back from the past to talk about the future for a fun little reunion show.
- Full disclosure: I swear this is not a wrestling podcast.
- We talk the better parts of Destiny, drop some knowledge on Halo MCC, get down and dirty with The Crew, giggle about Wolfenstein, and Alex splooges on Kingdom Hearts 2.
- News this week focuses on the Witcher 3 delay, which spawns a conversation about broken video games.
- We also discuss Capcom, it’s lowest lows, and maybe it’s future?
- Just one question this week, and it’s a silly one.
- Oh and that’s the show. Thank you for listening!
[youtube id=”qitDIrXRiZ8″ width=”600″ height=”350″]
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