Seems like just yesterday Sony and Microsoft fanboys were at each other’s throats about which console was the best, not to say they aren’t still. Though I may not have made a scene in any comment threads, I was among some of the consumers who purchased an Xbox One this past November. I enjoy playing the Xbox One, no question there, but the release date was far too early, leaving my $500 console to become a glorified dust collector.
The first few weeks I was absorbed with the Xbox One, abandoning all other consoles I have because I couldn’t get enough of my new hardware. Ryse: Son of Rome and Dead Rising 3 were some great exclusive launch games, but those only lasted me a couple weeks before I was left wanting more. Outside of Ryse and Dead Rising, there weren’t any titles worth getting, since the rest of the launch lineup was dominated by games that had already been released on the Xbox 360.
A month into having my next-gen console, and there were still no signs of rescue from the game drought I was suffering from. The only game that had me slightly interested in around December was the Xbox Arcade game, Peggle 2. I binge played the first one and oddly enjoyed it, but Peggle 2 wasn’t a game I was frantically trying to get. Needless to say, it was a cold December for the Xbox One.
Two months in now and I’m starting to think Microsoft is having a Cold War between game releases that are worth a damn. January only seemed interesting because of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition. Yet again another game I could live without, leaving me stuck with only two games that I got the day of release, great.
February gave me some optimism though as Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfares is expected to be released within the next week. Although, Nintendo left me in an uncomfortable position by releasing Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze around the same time. A choice had to be made, and it wasn’t an easy one, but Donkey Kong holds a special place in my Nintendo console’s disc tray. But don’t jump to the conclusion just yet that the Xbox One went untouched in February because the Titanfall open beta reunited the Xbox One and I for quite a few hours.
Three months feels like torture when you have to neglect such a machine, but because of the lack of exciting titles being released, I did just that. Fear not though, because there is light on the horizon and that light is March 11, the release of Titanfall. After the release of Titanfall, I hope to avoid months between a major launch, but I’m sure after colossus steel titans will preoccupy my time till then.
Its been a slow year so far for both console its going to get really rough around the summer unless watch dogs comes out