Yeah okay, we get it, it’ll probably top its predecessor as the largest entertainment release in world history, but really? Who is actually excited?
Oh yeah, a lot of people. Oh and this launch trailer may help uh, boost you along as you say.
So today Treyarch pushed out this launch trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops, and I have to say, its a doozy.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Launch Trailer
So the Rolling Stones may not really be my style, but I’ve heard Gimme Shelter before (thank you Rock Band 2) so it kind of grew on me.
So let me break this down for you: Call of Duty, its all that. Its all that and a bag of chips. Its all that, a bag of chips, a side of soda, and a deli-meat sandwich. Yeah, its kind of a big deal.
But really, at this point, who gives a shit? Another fricken Call of Duty game? I’ve played three in the past three years, so why should one more fricken game that comes after the fall of the great Infinity Ward?! Well lets look back at Treyarch’s last game, citing on what they did right.
While World at War wasn’t a perfect game, especially the single player *flashes back to grenade spam*. Oh, and maybe I just didn’t feel all-to-inspired to continue along with the multiplayer, but we’ll get to that in a little bit. Let’s stay positive though! The one factor that made me play World at War for months was none other than Nazi Zombies!
Yes! They laughed! Even scoffed! But they were proven wrong! Nazi Zombies recreated the arcade-areana-score chase like no other! In fact, I bought every single ten dollar map-pack just for those goddamn, Nazi Zombies! Guess what, zombies are comin’ back with a vengeance! And hey, don’t you dare freakin’ lie, you’re gonna play it, and you will fucking love it! Every second!
But let’s bring it back readers. Lets talk about regular-ass multiplayer, because even with some zombies to slaughter, we’ll be putting to real time into the basic, online multiplayer.
They’ve thrown quite the kitchen sink into the game; wager matches, a personal currency, and a now-customizable upgrade system. Now you, as the player, buy your weapons and perks with the a currency you earn as a reward in addition to experience points at every level and after every match. Plus, in those wager matches, you can put your money on the line to possibly win big. Now I don’t know about you, but that sounds kind of awesome.
With power finally put in the player’s hand and with the return of some score-chasing zombies to headshot, I have a feeling Black Ops will sit in our hearts as one of the greats. But don’t just take this word for it, look for my review in a few weeks, where I promise I’ll break it down for you, fault-by-fault.
Until then, lets just keep our caps on, we still got a week and a half.
Trailer provided by GameTrailers
Besides the fact you’ve drowned yourself in a little too much detail, I consider your opinion fairly well written.