It’s that time of the month, the time where there’s not a whole lot happening in terms of news and so here we are with some shout outs!
This time we have a fun spin and resource for those shout outs with the recent release of DED LED, a collection of stories that were previously published on Kill Screen.
You can find this collection here!
Our Shout Outs, the links below are to the current Kill Screen website post but most of these stories can found in the DED LED collection
- Jak and Daxter: The Search for Player Two – Jess Joho
- Against Crafting – Matt Margini
- The Cycles of Violence in Bioshock: The Collection – Brent Ables
- Role-playing Games are Just like Medieval Oral Culture – Sean Smith
- Failure and Rebirth in Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter – Levi Rubeck
Theme Song:
“Ancient Heavy Tech Donjon” by Komiko
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Input is a product of Irrational Passions
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Irrational Passions – @irrationalpod
Jurge – @jcruzalvarez26
Jarrett – @jarrettjawn