So its extremely late due to problems getting the tracks, but its here! Episode 40!
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This week, we have an exciting show (as always), so here is the rundown:
- Matt, or RebelJ12a, joins us! Been 30 episodes since we heard from him!
- We kick things off cajun style by bringing back Chris! Not sure how that’s Cajun, but whatever!
- Bettertomorrow makes our day better with a letter about babies.
- This week, Scott goes dumpster diving, and it is oh-so wet.
- In games, we have Tales out the wah-zu. Oh and some Spiderman
- Alex checks in with the loggers, we missed you guys!
- News consists of Nintendo, Nintendo, and Cafes (Nintendo)
- We skip the discussion this week for various reasons.
- No second break! We’re going to new releases baby!
- Picking, Crapping. Outro. The usual stuff.
- At the end, Alex makes a super special announcement!
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Follow us @ALFighter27 and @Aceshigh291 and please follow the show @IrrationalPod.
Don’t forget you can follow our guest and friend: @Rebelj12a
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Leave us a google voice voicemail at (404) 590-1337 [its like leet, ’cause it is]
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