Evan and I sat down with Ian and Erin from Yacht Club Games to discuss their latest product: Shovel Knight!
Preview Hyper Light Drifter: Laser-Swords & Bad Guys
Hyper Light Drifter is quite the Kickstarter success.
Kickstarter Picks: GTFO A Film About Women in Gaming
Kickstarter is a growing website of interest for pretty much any industry you can name. We have already shouted out a few Kickstarter campaigns, so to continue the interest, we have created a new type of article called “Kickstarter Picks”,…
Kickstarter Picks – Errant Heart
Kickstarter is a good source for indie developers to get the funds they need to make a game. Sometimes, it’s the first game they’re ever making. Although, the drawback of this method is that if these games don’t get lots…
IrrationalPod Ep. 79
Coming off a short show last week, we have a long treat for you this week!