Download please 😀
Sorry for the delay, but there was a problem with Scott’s track, so we had to use Tony’s backup!
- Greg is here, Evan is not! We break into a full show this week!
- Catching up this week includes poking fun of Evan, and friendly reminders about IPodtacular and our contest.
- Games this week covers The Darkness 2, Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning, Resistance 3, Starhawk, and Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+. We’re full of games!
- News this week is about DoubleFine and Kickstarter, trademarking DOTA, and more.
- Hot minute is full of bird noises and crazy awesomeness. Also, Greg poison us with Anime.
- This week’s music was picked by Joe, so I hope you like it!
- New Releases gets a lot of hate. People don’t like these new releases!
- We do happy endings AFTER the credits, and then that’s the show!
Check out our guest music here:
Here are some things you guys should know!
- Irrational Podtacular (tentative title) is coming soon! Go to our site and click the chip in button to get the ball rolling, and learn more! Or just go to this link:
- We have a contest going, you can get a $20 Amazon gift card, and you can enter up to 3 times every week!*
- Send it some topics in for hot minute! Just tweet them or email them in!
- If you want to be a part of our featured music section, feel free to send some tunes into the MailSack!
- If you have an idea to change up our segments, send your suggestions to the MailSack or one of us!
- Ideas for the show format or feedback? Send them to the MailSack too!
Check out our website,
Send us emails at Alex/Evan/Scott/Joseph/ or general mail to our mail
Follow us @ALFighter27 (Alex), @stickerglue (Evan), @aceshigh291 (Joseph) and @TonyHorvath (Tony) and please follow the show @IrrationalPod.
Please check out our new Youtube channel and subcribe at
Leave us a google voice voicemail at (404) 590-1337 [its like leet, ’cause it is]
Standard long distance fees apply!
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