“Why of course it does, Alex, you foolish Internet troll. The PS4 will forever be better and that’s that,” said one person on the Internet to me.
“No, no, no,” added another. “The Xbox One is clearly superior with its vast set of features and incredibly amazing, exclusive cloud-based awesomeness.”
Internet, I don’t think any of this really matters anymore. I hate to break it to you, but these next two consoles look strikingly similar from the inside out, and with both of them acting like PCs, the days of poor ports are (please hopefully) behind us.
What about you Alex?
Me? I’m getting a PS4 at launch, and it’s not because of some obsession with trophies of insane level of commitment to Sony. It’s $100 cheaper and I’m poor. Buying a PS4, two games, and no accessories, will already run me over me over $520; in comparison, an Xbox One, two games, and no accessories is over $620. I’m saving a few dollars with the more “college-safe” answer.
I honestly love the look of both of these consoles, and the exclusives on the pipeline (Titanfall, Infamous Second Son) look incredible. I will own both at some point, and be an incredibly happy gamer, but be financially, very sad.
It’s all moot anyway.
The real point here, is that those big arguments of which console is better at launch, which has a stronger line up, and what is going to move the systems, is pretty moot here. Both have the same third-party lineup of Assassin’s Creed IV, Battlefield 4, and Watch_Dogs, all of which look fantastic. Both have a couple of first party games I am personally interested in with Dead Rising 3/Killer Instinct and Killzone Shadowfall/Resogun. It seems like a pretty even match up, and I’d be pretty happy to own either console come this holiday. It is just a cost-sensitive case here, and if I had the money to shell out, I would get both.
I know dowsing the fires of internet hate and rage and fanboyism is impossible, and I somehow respect the devotion to a console of choice to vehemently love it without any thought otherwise. To those who are likeminded with me, and are just super pumped to get their hands on some new user interfaces, some new dashboards, and some new, quirky console features, I salute you, regardless of which side of the fence you fall on.
Everyone wins.
In the end, it really doesn’t matter anymore which console you’re a fan of this time around. They both seem pretty cool, and I think everyone is going to win big come this November. Down the pipeline? Well, we’ll have to wait and see.
The opinions in this article are of Alex O’Neill, and Alex only. If you’d like to discuss it with him, follow him @ALFighter27 on twitter.
Agree agree agree!