E3 Predictions galore guys! Get ready!
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Here is that sexy rundown:
- Chris is on the show this week, but Joe replaces him pretty quickly!
- We’re excited for E3, but that doesn’t mean you can’t send us emails: Mailsack@irrationalpassions.com
- With all that’s up, the team is proud to be part of the Graduating Class of 2011!
- In games, Alex and Joe duke it out: literally. The Duke Nukem demo takes the crown! Some Amnesia talk goes on too.
- Alex gives some monthly totals from our gameloggers! Shoutout to StingHP and Mister_Nep!
- In news, there is a Playstation Vita, Konami collections, and eShop games!
- We have plenty of E3 predictions, and some emails too. Thanks KayFav and Matthew Booth for the emails!
- We pick, crap, throw it out, and end happy!
Do not forget to check out our livestream over at justin.tv/alfighter27 to see our reactions live on the internet to the E3 press conferences!
Check out our website, http://IrrationalPassions.com.
Send us emails at Alex/Tony@IrrationalPassions.com or general mail to OUR NEW MAILBAG: mailsack@irrationalpassions.com.
Follow us @ALFighter27, @stickerglue, @aceshigh291 and @TonyHorvath and please follow the show @IrrationalPod.
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