Here is your holiday breakdown:
- The full team is on this week, plus our Scottish friend Primebuster.
- We kick things off by talking about the trailers from the VGAs. A lot of mediocre impressions here.
- Games include so much Mutton Chop and Humble Bundle, that it’s almost too much. But its not! GO GET THE HUMBLE BUNDLE!
- We lose Joe and Prime after the first part, but we continue on strong.
- News is short this week, as we sacrifice RFN because its going through some changes.
- News includes some hot new Nintendo releases, bans on Modern Warfare, and Miyamoto giving his 2 cents.
- We give people some advice on what to buy the gamer in the family this year. Rayman.
- New releases are all horrible. Oh, and the Old Republic.
- Then we call it a show!
1) On Wednesday, Dec. 21st, [Tomorrow] we are going to be sitting down together and watching The Legend of Zelda The Animated Series all the way through, and streaming it live on the internets, WITH COMMENTARY. It will be uploaded to YouTube for posterity, but you WONT want to miss it live.
2) Game of the Year is coming up. Don’t forget to send in your TOP 5s, your TOP 10s, or just your GOTY, AND WHY. Don’t forget the why part, that’s important.
3) We have been working on a secret project that will be announced in January, so stay tuned for more!
So before we get into the contact us part of the show notes, here are some things you should know:
- If you want to be a part of our featured music section, feel free to send some tunes into the MailSack!
- If you have an idea to change up our segments, send your suggestions to the MailSack or one of us!
- Ideas for the show format or feedback? Send them to the MailSack too!
- Tweet @IrrationalPod with hashtag #RF to send in rapid fire news topics!
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