Celeste spawned from Matt Thorson, and Noel Berry making Celeste in PICO-8. From there, they felt inspired to create a full release based off of this game. Both tasks in Celeste Classic (2015) and Celeste (2018) are very similar. It…
IrrationalPod Ep. 354 with Geoff Chorney
A perspective show that dives deep and cuts deeper.
Logan’s 2017 E3 Predictions.
Mafia 3 Tells the Year’s Most Important Story
Mafia 3 hits a note we haven’t seen in games very much.
Monthly Passions: October 2014
Another month, another set of games. We are in fall now, so the big games are finally coming out. Here’s what we’ve got.
The Return
It’s been nearly a month since I’ve written article here at IrrationalPassions, and I figure that’s too damn long. Plenty of excitement has been stirred in the mix since last time we talked. With events like E3 and San Diego…
Microsoft: Primed and Ready
Microsoft has set themselves up for a huge success come this June. With the Xbox One reaching parity price with the Playstation 4, all they need is another software push to really drive home how serious they are about games.
Project Spark Insight
Independent development has produced a stunning surge within the past few years to the point where the masses are craving indie titles. Creativity and ingenuity is at the threshold in the game industry, but Microsoft seemed to be reluctant for…
The Real Next Gen
The United States is aflame with Next-Gen fever this month. People are lining up to be the first through the threshold of the new console generation, and in our excitement we are letting ourselves be blinded. Or at the very…