The show is late (again) because of track mishaps, but no worries, next week we all record together!
Breakdown of the things to be broken:
- Guys, its the full crew this week, but Joe has to leave early.
- We talk about things happening, and we are incredibly pumped for InDisFest next week.
- Games this week are mostly Gears of War, Battlefield 3, Starcraft 2, and Gary’s Mod. With some White Knight topped on.
- We break right into News in Gaming, and there is crazy stuff happening. Like, so crazy we can’t even describe it in the breakdown.
- Joe bids us farewell and we do some Rapid Fire News.
- We try something different, twitter submitted Rapid Fire News topics! It gets super awesome really quick! Submit yours @IrrationalPod with hashtag #RF
- Time for some picks and craps and Irrational games! (Not the creators of BioShock)
- Time for an ending trivia question, and long goodbyes!
- If you want to be a part of our featured music section, feel free to send some tunes into the MailSack!
- If you have an idea to change up our segments, send your suggestions to the MailSack or one of us!
- Ideas for the show format or feedback? Send them to the MailSack too!
- Tweet @IrrationalPod with hashtag #RF to send in rapid fire news topics!
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