Another one. This time, its for the glory.
Breakdown. Let’s do this.
- We are minus one this week. Evan is in West Virginia. He’s a dick, we know.
- Normal show this week. We promise. 2 breaks, news, and game’s we’ve been playing
- We talk about the hangover after ExtraLife. Also, Alex says heyyo to Naughty Dog.
- Games this week are RAGE, Batman, and the usual PC stuff.
- After the first break, we hit up some news. We hate some stuff, and love us some other stuff. Listen to find out what I mean.
- RAPID FIRE! Thanks to those three that sent in topics via twitter!
- Second break features music from our friend Mr. Nep.
- Irrational Weekly. Joe makes us proud.
- One voicemail this week. How do YOU feel about Spoilerz?
- Scott stumps us with a question, and then we head out!
We are having a live show on the last Friday in November! Black Friday! November 25th guys! Mark your Calendars!
- If you want to be a part of our featured music section, feel free to send some tunes into the MailSack!
- If you have an idea to change up our segments, send your suggestions to the MailSack or one of us!
- Ideas for the show format or feedback? Send them to the MailSack too!
- Tweet @IrrationalPod with hashtag #RF to send in rapid fire news topics!
Send us emails at Alex/Evan/Scott/Joseph/ or general mail to our mail sack:
Follow us @ALFighter27 (Alex), @stickerglue (Evan), @aceshigh291 (Joseph) and @TonyHorvath (Tony) and please follow the show @IrrationalPod.
Please check out our new Youtube channel and subcribe at
Leave us a google voice voicemail at (404) 590-1337 [its like leet, ’cause it is]
Standard long distance fees apply!
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