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- Full cast this week! Scotty is back!
- We are still doing the contest! I know it is said that the contest is over this Friday, but since the show is late, we’re extending it one more week!**
- When we catching up with our weeks, Scott gets a new dog, Joe talks Kindle, and raunchy hits our stream.
- Games include the Street Fighter x Tekken, Pulling a Scott, and Tales of Graces f! Also, Journey!
- News this week is very rage-inducing, mostly about Mass Effect. There are some more happy news stories, but those are the big ones.
- Hot minute topics lead to ridiculous soda names.
- Music this week, picked by Joe, is Fett’s Vett, by MC Chris.
- New releases. Yes, Joe changes some titles, no, Evan does not read them. *Sad Face*
- Emails make us question our gaming habits, also, the music flips out, so we cut it half way through.
- Happy ending and that’s the show guys! Contact info below!
**Contest: Send us an email asking a game question, and at the bottom of the email ask if you would like to enter to win MLB 12 the Sho for VITA, PS3, or FOR BOTH. If you also agree to review it for us, you get FIVE CONTEST ENTRIES.
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