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B-b-b-b-reak it down:
- We are sorry for Scott’s mufflyness, but its only part one! Technical difficulties!
- Its everyone minus Joe this week, so screw that guy!
- We are still woozy after PAX, trying to relax, and get our heads on straight.
- We reflect on Disney, we also reflect on moving, on school, and bad wifi.
- Games this week are Swords and Sworcery, as well as L.A. Noire and Battlefield!!!
- News is a huge look back. Dark Souls PTD details, God of War, and Pikmin!
- New Releases. Everyone hates Prototype. Except Scott.
- Break music this week is called “Break bottle, use as weapon” by Bill Kiley**
- Emails have us boffing man-ladies and Mileena’s gross teeth.
- That’s the show!
**Check out all of Bill Kiley’s music here!
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